Citywest has developed in a sustainable way from its beginning in 1992, except that it was called good husbandry at the time. It did this by respecting and working with nature.
Sustainable examples include ;
- The management of rainfall by the use of attenuation hollows acting as dry lakes and swallow holes that filled and emptied at a controlled flow rate. These hollows then become a landscape feature.
- By the creation of waterbodies that include weirs, waterfalls and cascades that aerate the water.
- Planting and management of woodland nurseries from providing acclimatised and naturally formed plants.
- Introducing a carbon grass mix to increase carbon sequestration and reduce cuts by 30%.
- Supporting and working with a Trinity based research programme to measure and monitor landscape health.
- The use of landform to ameliorate local climate conditions, and without disturbance of removal of soil off site.
- Development of wildflower meadows of a range of mixes and locations.
- Incorporating dead and decaying wood as part of an age structure, playing an important role in providing wildlife habitats and diverse ecosystems
- The use of reed beds in providing wildlife habitats and the improvement of water quality.

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